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Meet The Creator
Jorgette Simpson

Zen for 2 was created in April 2022 by Jorgette Simpson, the owner of Manna Massage and Wellness, a perinatal mobile massage company that serves families in Dallas, Texas, to support her massage therapy clients.
    Jorgette noticed her clients' need for other birth providers and decided to make connections. 
   Meeting these providers taught her so much about holding space for women and doing it authentically. She began to share clients with the providers and they shared her with their families in exchange.  
As her team grew and her experience with her clients expanded so did her desire to help mothers have an entire birth team from beginning to forever (or at least one year postpartum lol). 
   It just became clear to her that women and families deserve as much support in different areas of birth as possible to create their desired birthing experience. Having support at the right time with the right people can make all of the difference. That is how Zen for 2- DFW Birthing Portal was created.

Zen for 2 is a motherhood resource guide that connects Mamas to conscious and caring Perinatal Birth Providers. We do our best to find, connect, and nourish relationships with qualified providers locally, nationally, And internationally.

We envision a village that helps create the best birthing and nurturing environment for our families who bring forth life. Allowing them full access to carry, birth, and nurture as they choose!

We believe in holistic healthcare and hope to see all mamas and families be fully supported during all four trimesters of pregnancy.

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